Circular traffic lights Indicator Meaning
Author:Shenzhen ZhongAn Traffic Technology Co., Ltd Time:2016/6/12 15:11:42 Click:157
1. When the green light to sign the forward vehicle traffic permit all other turn (turn left and turn right) Without prejudice to the vehicle straight vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle traffic, according to the gap between the condition of the vehicle, under safe conditions by intersection.
2. When the yellow light, green light indicates the end of the red light is about to begin. Normally when downloading yellow light, warning if the driver can safely stop in front of the mouth of textbooks, you must stop at the intersection. If the vehicle has crossed the stop line or close (usually within 5 meters) at the beginning of the yellow light, and there is a certain danger if forced to stop or may stop at the intersection within the case, and these vehicles can continue to pass through the intersection.
3. When the red light, indicating the prohibition of forward traffic. According to circumstances, without prejudice to the right turn vehicles straight vehicles, pedestrians amount under circumstances, can pass.
Not provided non-motorized traffic lights and people trekking track lights junction, non-motorized vehicles and pedestrians shall pass according to the traffic lights, he said.